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Kinematics:Motion in two dimensions

In motion of one dimension , that is along a straight line, such as free-fall, we defined three kinematics quantities: position vector, velocity, ans acceleration. We will use them to describe a motion in two dimensions such as a projectile. A motion in two dimensions occurs in a plane. Contrary to motion in one dimension, where velocity acceleration are along the same line, in two dimension motion, they are not necessarily along the same line as in the uniform circular motion, where the velocity is tangential and the acceleration is radial.

1. velocity and acceleration

The position vector r locates an object relative to the origin of a reference frame. In two dimensions, we have: r = x i + y j

Position vector in two dimensions:

x and y are the object's coordinates. Notice that the graph used in two dimensions of y(x), whereas in one dimension it is x(t).

The displacement Δr = rf - ri is directed from the object's initial position to the final position. In component form:

Δr = Δ(x i + yj) = Δx i + Δy j

1.1. Velocity

An object's average velocity v, for a time interval Δt, is the rate in change of the displacement:
v = Δr/Δt = (Δx i + Δy j)/Δt = (Δx/Δt) i + (Δy/Δt) j .

v is parallel to Δr. The direction of the average velocity and the displacement is the same

The velocity is defined as the limiting value of the average velocity as the time interval approaches 0.

v = lim v = lim Δr/Δt = dr/dt
Δt tends to 0

In component form:
v = (dx/dt)i + (dy/dt)j = vx i + vy j

The magnitude of the velocity v is then equal to: v = [vx2 + vy2]1/2

Vector velocity:
v = (dx/dt)i + (dy/dt)j = vx i + vy j

Magnitude of vector velocity:
v = [vx2 + vy2]1/2

As the time interval Δt approaches zero (tf approaches ti), the average velocity v approaches the velocity v that becomes along the tangent line on the path and points in the direction of motion.

The velocity v, at any point on an object's path is directed parallel to a line tangent to the path and points in the direction of motion.

The direction in which the object goes is given by: tan θ = vy/vx. Where θ is the angle between the x-axis and the vector velocity v. The angle θ is positive when measured counterclockwise from the x-axis to v.

1.2. Acceleration

An object's average acceleration a, for a time interval Δt, is the rate in change of the velocity:
a = Δv/Δt = (Δvx i + Δvy j)/Δt = (Δvx/Δt) i + (Δvy/Δt) j.

a is parallel to Δv. The direction of the average acceleration and the change in velocity is the same

The acceleration is defined as the limiting value of the average acceleration as the time interval approaches 0.

a = lim a = lim Δv/Δt = dv/dt
Δt tends to 0

In component form:
a = (dvx/dt)i + (dvx/dt)j = ax i + ay j

The magnitude of the acceleration a is then equal to: a = [ax2 + ay2]1/2

Vector acceleration:
a = (dvx/dt)i + (dvy/dt)j = ax i + ay j
Magnitude of vector acceleration:
a = [ax2 + ay2]1/2

As the time interval Δt approaches zero, the average acceleration a approaches the acceleration a and points in the direction given by the limiting value where the velocity is along the tangent to the path .

The acceleration a at any point on an object's path is directed toward the center of curvature.


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