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Center of mass & collisions


The velocity vi of an object, or a particle i within this object, in the frame at rest, is equal to the velocity vcm of the center of mass (CM) plus the volocity v'i of this object or particle i in the frame of the CM, that is:

vi = vcm + v'i

2. Momentum in the frame at rest

The momentum of a particle "i" in the frame st rest is just its mass mi times its velocity vi:

pi = mivi

The linear momentum P of the object is the sum of the linear momenta of all the particles of this object:

P = Σ mivi

The body is rigid, the velocity vi is the same for all these particles. It is equal to the velocity vcm of the CM. Therefore:

P = Σ mivi = Σ mivcm = vcmΣ mi = M vcm
Where M = Σ mi, the mass of the whole object.

P = M vcm

3. Momentum in the CM frame

The momentum of a particle "i" in the center of mass frame is just its mass mi times its velocity v'i:

p'i = miv'i

The momentum P' of the object is:
P' = Σmiv'i = Σmi(vi - vcm) = Σmivi - Σmivcm =
Σmivi - Mvcm = P - P = 0.

That is:

P' = ΣP'i = 0

We recall:

The sum of the momenta in the center of mass frame is zero.

4. Velocities after collision in the frame at rest

Now, let's consider the collision:

(m1,v1) + (m2,v2) → (m1,w1) + (m2,w2)
in the frame at rest,


(m1,v'1) + (m2,v'2) → (m1,w'1) + (m2,w'2)
in the CM frame, we have:

4.1. Collision in the CM

In the CM, we have:

P' = Σp'i = p'1 + p'2 = 0 before collision.

Q' = Σq'i = q'1 + q'2 = 0 after collision.


p'1 = - p'2 before collision, and
q'1 = - q'2 after collision

The conservation of the kinetic energy gives:

p'12/2m1 + p'22/2m2 = q'12/2m1 + q'22/2m2
p'12/2 [1/m1 + 1/m2] = q'12/2 [1/m1 + 1/m2]
(1/2) [1/m1 + 1/m2] [p'1 2 - q'12] = 0

We have then two possibilities:

p'1 = + q'1 and
p'2 = + q'2

p'1 = - q'1 and
p'2 = - q'2

The first says that is no collision, and the second shows that the momenta of both objects reverse their directions. Since the masses do not change, we have for the related velocities:

v'1 = - w'1 and
v'2 = - w'2

We recall:
In the center of mass frame of two objects, the collision just reverses the direction of these two objects.

We have:

vcm = [m1v1 + m2v2]/M

M = m1 + m2

v'1 = v1 - vcm =
v1 - [m1v1 + m2 v2 ]/M =
(1/M)[m1v1 + m2v1 - m1v1 - m2 v2] = (m2/M)[v1 - v2]

w'1 = - (m2/M)[v1 - v2]

w1 = w'1 + vcm = - v'1 + vcm = - v1 + 2vcm

w1 = - v1 + 2vcm
w2 = - v2 + 2vcm

That is:
w1 = v1(m1 - m2)/M + v2 2m2/M
w2 = v2(m2- m1)/M + v1 2m1/M

w1 = v1(m1 - m2)/M + 2v2 m2/M
w2 = v2(m2- m1)/M + 2v1 m1/M

5. Energy in the CM frame

P' = p'1 + p'2 = 0 before explosion
Q' = q'1 + q'2 = 0 after explosion

Before the explosion, the total energy of the object in the center of mass frame is zero (because the original body was at rest in this frame) After the explosion, the total energy in this frame is:

E' = q'12/2m1 + q'22/2m2

= q'12 [1/2m1+ 1/2m2]
q'1 2= 2 m1m2E'/(m1 + m2)

w'2 = [q'22]1/2/m2 = [2 m1E'/m2M]1/2

w'2 = [2 m1E'/m2M]1/2

m1 w'1 = - m2 w'2

w'1 = - m2 w'2/m1 = - [2 m2E'/m1M]1/2

w'2 = [2 m1E'/m2M]1/2
w'1 = - [2 m2E'/m1M]1/2

w'2 = [2 m1E'/m2M]1/2
w'1 = - [2 m2E'/m1M]1/2

Using :
vcm = v
w1 = w'1 + vcm
w2 = w'2 + vcm ,
we can write:

w1 = w'1 + vcm
w2 = w'2 + vcm

Etotal = (1/2)m1 w12 + (1/2)m2 w12 =
m1 w12 = m1[w'1 + vcm]2
m2 w22 = m2[w'2 + vcm]2,

According to:

w'1 = - m2 w'2/m1 ,

we have:

m2 w2 2 = m2[(- m1w'1/m2) + vcm]2 =
m2[ 2 m1E'/m2M + vcm]2


m1 w12 + m2 w22 =
m1[ w'12 + vcm2 + 2w'1vcm] + m2 [ (- m1w'1/m2)2 +
vcm 2 - 2 m1w'1vcm/m2 ]

Rearranging gives:

m1 w12 + m2 w22 =
m1[ w'12 + vcm2 ] + m2 [ (- m1w'1/m2)2 + vcm2]
= m1 w'1 2 + m2 w'22 + (m1 + m2)vcm2 =
2E' + Mvcm2 .

Etotal = (1/2)[ m1 w12 + m2 w22]
Etotal = E' + (1/2) Mvcm2

Etotal = E' + (1/2) Mvcm2
E' = (1/2) [m1w'12 + m2w'22]

The total kinetic energy of a system is equal to the kinetic energy of the center of mass plus the sum of the kinetic energies of the objects of the sytem, as calculated in the center of mass frame.

6. Other way to express directly the total energy

vi = vcm + v'i
Etotal = Σ (1/2)mivi2 = Σ (1/2)mi(vcm + v'i)2 =
Σ (1/2)mi[vcm2 + v'i2+ 2 v'ivcm] =
(1/2) Σ mi[vcm2 + v'i2+ 2 v'ivcm]

We have:

(1/2) Σ mi [2 v'ivcm] = vcmΣ mi v'i = vcmΣ p'i = 0

It remains:

Etotal = (1/2) Σ miv2cm + (1/2) Σ miv'i2
= (1/2)M v2cm + (1/2) Σ miv'i2
= Ecm + E'

Etotal = Ecm + E'

Etotal = Σ (1/2)mivi2
E' = Σ (1/2) miv'i2
Ecm = (1/2)M v2cm
Etotal = Ecm + E'
M = Σ mi

7. Example:

For the head-on collision in the rest frame:
(m,V) + (M,0) → m w1+ Mw2, we have:
w = 2m/(m+M)
w'2 = w2 - vcm
vcm = mV/(m + M), so
w'2 = w2 - mV/(m + M) = mV/(m + M)
w'22 = m2V2/(m + M)2 = 2mE' /M(m + M), so
E' = (1/2) m V2 M/(m + M)

If K is the kinetic energy = (1/2) mV2 of the projectile (m,V), we have:
E' = K M/(m + M)
Collision: (m,V) + (M,0)
The enrgy available to cause reaction is
E' = K M/(m + M)

Collision: (m,V) + (M,0)
The energy available to cause reaction is:
E' = K M/(m + M)
K is the projectile's kinetic energy = (1/2) mV2


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