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Summary: Gauss's law

1. Flux

The flux of the electric field E for a surface S is defined as the surface integral of the electric filed over tis surface. For a closed surface, the electric flux is:
     →   →
ΦE   =   E ⋅ dS
The closed surface S for which the flux is evaluated is an imaginary or mathematical surface called gaussian surface.

2. Gauss's law

Gauss's law states that the flux for any closed surface is equal to the net charge enclosed by that surface divided by εo:
         →   →   Σ q
ΦE   =    ∯   E ⋅ dS   =  

Gauss's law follows from Coulomb's law and the principle of superposition

3. Using Gauss's law to find the electric field

Gauss's law can be used to find the elcric field produced by some highly symmetric charge distributions. The important step is to select the gaussian surface.

Electric field for various charge distributions:

Charge distribution::
Near a long, straight, uniform line charge, far from the end
Field magnititude;
E ≈ λ/2πεoR

Charge distribution::
Near a large, planar sheet of uniform surface charge, far from the edges
Field magnititude;
E ≈ σ/2εo

Charge distribution::
Inside and outside a spherical shell of uniform surface charge density
Field magnititude:
E = 0
(r < ro)
E = Q/4πεor2
(r > ro)

Charge distribution::
Inside and outside a sphere of uniform volume charge density
Field magnititude:
E = Qr/4πεoro3
(r < ro)
E = Q/4πεor2
(r > ro)

Charge distribution::
Inside a conductor
Field magnititude:
E = 0
Just outside a conductor
En = σ/εo,
and Et = 0

Electrostatics: Gauss's law

1. Flux

Flux, by definition is the rate at which a certain quantity passes through an imaginary surface.

We are interested in the flux of an electric field or an electric flux. We start by the electric flux of a uniform field through a plane surface, and set Gauss's law that deals with any curved surface or any nonuniform field, thereafter.

1.1. Flux of a uniform field through a plane surface

The flux ΦE of a vector field E is defined as the dot product:

     →   →    
ΦE   =   E ⋅ ΔS   =   E ΔS cos θ
S is the surface vector equal to the area S of the surface times the unit normal vector n to that surface.
  ΔS   =   ΔS   n

The angle θ is the angle between the two vectors E and S.

The direction of the vector n is chosen such that it points out of the enclosed surface.

The flux is a scalar quantity. The SI unit of electric flux is N m2/C .

1.2. Flux of a field through a curved surface

When the surface is curved or the electric field varies from point to point over the surface, we divide this surface in small surface elements; so each surface element is then considered plane and the electric field through this small surface is considered constant. The flux trough the entire surface is the sum of the individual contributions from each of the small surface elements: Φ = Σ Φi = Σ Ei . ΔSi. In the limit as the size of each surface element approaches zero and their number approaches infinity, the sum becomes an integral:

         →    →      →
ΦE   =   lim  Σ   Ei ⋅ ΔSi   =    ∯ E dS
ΦE     =    ∯ E dS

This is the expression of the flux of the electric field E through S, called the surface integral of the vector E over that surface.

When the surface of integration is closed, the symbol of integration is replaced by .

The closed surface for which we calculate the flux is an imaginary surface called gaussian surface, which is not necessary the surface of the object.

The main task when we want to use Gauss's law is to devise the appropriate gaussian surface.

2. Gauss's law

The electric flux for an arbitrary closed surface is equal to the net charge enclosed by this surface divided by εo.
In equation form:

         →   →   Σ q
ΦE   =    ∯   E ⋅ dS   =  
The closed surface, that is the gaussian surface for which the flux is evaluated can of be any shape or size. Σq is the net charge (positive charge minus negative charge) contained within the volume enclosed by the surface.

3. Example

The simplest example of Gauss's law is the case of a point charge q enclosed by a spherical gaussian surface of radius r, and placed at the center of the sphere. The electric field from the point charge is radial and fixed for a distance r, by symmetry, from the origin. The electric field is perpendicular to all the surface elements over the surface of the sphere.

Gauss's law gives:

∯ E . dS = Σq/εo = E ∯ dS = q/εo

∯ dS = 4πr2


E = (q/4πεo) . 1/r2 = k/r2

Point charge:
E = (q/4πεo) . 1/r2 = k/r2

This is the same result obtained with Coulomb's law.

4. Gauss's law from Coulomb's law

The electric field at the distance r from the point charge q is given by the experimental Coulomb's law:
  k q   ^
E(r) =   

We will use this expression to find Gauss's law.

4.1. Charged particle outside an arbitrary surface

Any curved surface can be divided in infinitesimal curved surfaces in the form of spherical caps.

The electric field through the curved surface crosses this closed surface in two regions. The first small is the region by which the field goes in and the large second is the region by which the field goes out.

We form an elementary closed surface bounded by the two spherical caps and the conical contour.

The electric field E(r) along the conical side is perpendicular to its normal surface dS, so the flux through the conical side is zero.

The flux through the first cap where the field goes in is

Φin = - E(r1) dSin

The flux through the large cap where the field goes out is

Φout = + E(r2) dSout


The net flux through the closed surface bounded by the two spherical caps and the conical side is:

Φnet = Φin + Φout
= - ∫ E(r1) dSin + ∫ E(r2) dSout

By symmetry, E(r) stay the same the long of the circumference of radius r. So

∫ E(r1) dSin = E(r1) ∫ dSin
= 4π r12 E(r1)
∫ E(r2) dSout = E(r2) ∫ dSout
= 4π r22 E(r2)

And using Coulomb's law:

E(r1) = k q/r12
E(r2) = k q/r22


E(r2)/E(r1) = r12 /r22 = Sin/Sout. So

E(r2) Sout = E(r1) Sin

That is:

Φout = - Φin


Φnet = Φin + Φout = 0

The flux is null through an arbitrary
surface which is outside a charge.

4.2. Charged particle inside an arbitrary surface

The electric field from the charge + q is radial.

Using the previous result, the flux through an infinitesimal surface on the curved surface is equal to the flux through the infinitesimal surface on the spherical closed surface of radius r.

At r, The electric field is E(r) = k q/r2. so

Φ = ∫ E(r) dS = E(r) ∫ dS = k q/r2 x 4π r2 = q/εo

The flux through an arbitrary surface enclosing a charge q is euqal to q/εo .

4.3. Charged particles inside and outside an arbitrary surface

In the case of many charged particles inside and outside a gaussian surface, we use the principle of superposition for the electric field. The total electric field crossing a surface dS is the sum of the individuals electric fields due to each charge.

The electric flux through a surface dS is due to all the electric fields of different charges. The net flux through any closed surface is zero for ouside charges and Σqio for the conributions of the inside charges. Therfeore

The flux through an arbitrary shaped surface enclosing charged particles qi is equal to Σqio . Which is Gauss's law.


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