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   Complex integration


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Complex integration :


• A neighbourhood of a point zo in the complex plane, is any open set containing zo.

• A function f of a complex variable z is continuous at zo if f(z) tends to f(zo) as z approaches zo.

• A function f of a complex variable z is differentiable at zo if its derivative f'(zo) is well-defined (exists) at the point zo.

• Here is the definition of the derivative of f at zo:

• A function f is analytic in a neighbourhood U of zo if it is differentiable everywhere in U. A function is entire if it is analytic in the whole complex plane. We use also the terms regular and holomorphic as synonyms for analytic.

• A point zo is a singularity for a function f(z), if f is not analytic at zo.

• A point zo is an isolated singularity for a function f(z), if f is analytic in some disk around the singularity; that is, in 0 ≤ |z - zo| ≤ R. R is the radius of the disk.
The singularities of a rational function are always isolated.

• A point zo is a zero of f if f(zo) = 0.

• A point zo is a zero of order m of f if
f(zo) = f'(zo) = f''(zo) = f(3)(zo) = ... f(m - 1)(zo) = 0; but
f(m)(zo) ≠ 0.

• The Laurent expansion of f around zo is
\[ \large\bf\color{teal}{ \textit f(\textit z) = \sum_{j = - \infty}^\infty \textit a_j(\textit z - \textit z_o)^j} \]
• The point zo is a removable singularity of f, if the Laurent expansion of f around zo has no negative powers; that is,
\[ \large\bf\color{brown}{ \textit f(\textit z) = \sum_{j = 0}^\infty \textit a_j(\textit z - \textit z_o)^j} \]
• The point zo is a pole of order m for f, if the Laurent expansion of f around zo starts from j = - m, so that a- m ≠ 0. That is
\[ \large\bf\color{brown}{ \textit f(\textit z) = \sum_{j = - m}^\infty \textit a_j(\textit z - \textit z_o)^j} = \\ \] \[ \bf\color{indigo}{ \frac{a_{- m}}{(\textit z - \textit z_o)^m} + ... + a_0 + a_1(\textit z - \textit z_o) + a_2(\textit z - \textit z_o)^2 + ... \\ with \; a_{- m} \ne 0 } \]
• A pole of order m = 1 is called a simple pole.

• The point zo is an essential singularity of f if f(z)(z - zo)n is not differentiable for any integer n > 0.

The Laurent series of f at the essential singular point zo has an infinite negative degree nonzero terms.

A singular point that is not a pole or removable singularity is an essential singular point.

Example: z = 0 is an essential singularity of f(z) = exp{1/z}.


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