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      Calculus II


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Calculus II: Power series expansion of a function

1. Definitions

Within its interval of convergence, a power series can represent the expansion of a function.

We recall Taylor and Maclaurin series are power series centred around a real c or 0 respectively.

Let f(x) a function having the following expansion in Taylor series (power series centred in c), within its interval of convergence ]c - R, c + R[, where R is the radius of convergence of the series:

f(x) = Σn=0 an(x - c)n =

a0 + a1(x - c)n + ... + an(x - c)n + ...

Since a power series has the form of a polynomial function, we can take the derivative and an integral of this series using the usual methods.

The derivative of f(x) is:

f '(x) = [Σn=0 an(x - c)n ]/dx =
Σn=0 d[ an(x - c)n]/dx =
Σn=1 n an(x - c)n - 1

The integral of f(x) is:

∫ f (x) dx = ∫[Σn=0 an(x - c)n ]dx =
Σn=0 ∫[ an(x - c)n]dx =
Σn=0 (an/(n + 1))(x - c)n + 1 + const.

2. Expansion of a function on a power series

2.1. Taylor and Maclaurin series

Some functions can be expanded in a power series Σn=0 an(x - c)n, within their interval of convergence ]c - R, c + R[, where R is its radius of convergence.

Let f(x) a function infinitely differentiable. We want to find a power series that converges toward the function f(x) within an interval of convergence ]c - R, c + R[.

So, we can express f(x) as:

f(x) = Σn=0 an(x - c)n in ]c - R, c + R[.


f(c) = a0

a0 = f(c)

f '(x) = Σn=1 n an(x - c)n - 1
f '(c) = a1

a1 = f '(c)

f "(x) = Σn=2 n (n - 1) an(x - c)n - 2
f "(c) = 2 a2

a2 = f "(c)/2

f(3)(x) = Σn=3 n (n - 1) (n - 2)an(x - c)n - 3
f(3)(c) = (3!) a3

a3 = f "(c)/3!

and so on ...

f(n)(x) = Σn=2 n! an(x - c)0
f(n)(c) = (n!) an

an = f(n)(c)/n!

an = f(n)(c)/n!

f(x) = Σn=0 (f(n)(c)/n!) (x - c)n
in ]c - R, c + R[.

The series
Σn=0 (f(n)(c)/n!) (x - c)n =
f(c) + (f '(c)) (x - c)/1! + (f "(c)) (x - c)2/2! + (f(3)(c)) (x - c)3/3! + ... + (f(n)(c)/n!) (x - c)n + ...
is called Taylor series (Brook Taylor: 1685-1731).

The case where c = 0 , the series
Σn=0 (f(n)(0)/n!) xn =
f(0) + (f '(0)) (x)/1! + (f "(0)) (x)2/2! + (f(3)(0)) ()3/3! + ... + (f(n)(0)/n!) (x)n + ...
is called Maclaurin series (Colin Maclaurin: 1698-1746).

2.2. Examples

What is the expansion of the exponential function of base e f(x) = ex in a Maclaurin series?

We have:

f(x) = f(0) + (f'(0))(x)/1! + (f"(0))(x)2/2! + (f(3)(0)) x3/3! + ... + (f(n)(0)/n!)(x)n + ...
= 1/0! + x/1! + x2/2! + x3/3! + ... + xn/n! + ...
= Σn=0 xn/n!

In what interval of convergence?

The D'Alembert test gives:

lim |(xn+1/(n+1)!)/(xn/n!)|
n → ∞
lim |x/(n+1)| = |x|/(n+1) = 0 < 1
n → ∞

Then the series converges for all x ∊ R.


For all x ∊ R, ex = Σn=0 xn/n!

For all x ∊ R
ex = Σn=0 xn/n!

In particular, for x = 1, we have:

e = Σn=0 1/n!

3. Exercises

a) f(x) = 1/(1 - x) = 1 + x + x2 + x3 + xn + ... + ... =
= Σn=0 xn if |x| < 1

Using the derivative and the integral of f(x), find an expansion in Maclaurin series (power series centred at 0) for the two following functions:

g(x) = 1/(1 - x)2
h(x) = ln (1 - x)

Prove that ln 2 = Σn=1 (- 1)n - 1/n

b) Find the power series about x = 3 of the function f(x) = ex.

ex = Σn=0 e2(x - 3)n/n!
∀ x ∊ R.

c) Find the power series about x = 0 of the function f(x) = sin (x).

sin (x) = Σn=0 (- 1)n x2n+1/(2n+1)!
∀ x ∊ R.

d) Using the above result, find the Maclaurin series of the function f(x) = cos(x).

cos (x) = Σn=0 (- 1)n x2n/(2n)!
∀ x ∊ R.

e) Change the variable in the latter result and find the Maclaurin series of the function f(x) = cos(3x)

f) Find the power series about x = 0 of the function f(x) = sin (x) + x cos(x).

g) Find the Taylor series on (x - 1) of the function f(x) = ln(x).

ln(x) = Σn=1 (- 1)n-1 (x - 1)n/n ∀ x ∊ ]0,2[.


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